Bromoxynil octanoate
Name and Structure
common name: Bromoxynil octanoate
chemical name: 3,5-dibromo-4-octanoyloxybenzonitrile
structural formula:

molecular formula: C15H17Br2NO2
molecular weight: 403
Physical and Chemical Properties
White and weak volatility wax crystal solid.Melting point 45-46° soluble in water.Solubility(25°C)(w/v):in aceton>10%,in methyl alcohol 10%,in dimethyal benzene 70%.It has no reaction with other most pesticides in the storage and is erosive.
Taken acutely and orally: by mouse LD50 250mg/kg,by rat LD50 245mg/kg,by rabbit LD50 325mg/kg.It is no bad effect to feed big rat with the 312 mg/kg feed for three months,but the 781 mg/kg feed will hold back the rat growth.
It is a contact herdicide.Fit to the gramineous plant.Preventation of amual broad leaf weed.
Bromoxynil Octanoate 97% TECH
Bromoxynil Octanoate 25% EC
Bromoxynil Octanoate and MCPA 40% EC
Bromoxynil Octanoate 2,4-D butylate 40% EC
Iron drum,Net:40kg/drum
Zhejiang Dongfeng Chem.Ind Co.,Ltd